Heres what Ive found on the net:
The base price for a standardly equipped 523i SE F10 is £32,020
As a good rule of thumb for import car's price, Id multiply that number by the exchange rate (lets make that ฿48 per £1 in this case) and a multiplier to cover tax and importers profit (multiplier can change if you import your own and know how to negotiate with the folks at the custom department). Car over 3,000cc gets hit with a higher tax rate, but since this one has less than 220hp, it avoided another bracket of tax. Ill stick with 3 in this example.
So £32,020 X 48 x 3 = ฿4,610,880.
Now if you dont care about BSI and can find one with good options at this price, then Id say it a pretty interesting deal. But I have a feeling that the importer will be selling them for ฿5 million + because it is still fresh.
Will someone who is more knowledgeable about this issue care to clarify this estimate? Thanks.
Wayfarer 13 May 2010 14:39